Sleepless Teens

By: Alexandra Picard

Sleeping student swamped with studies

Over the years it has been very apparent that high school students are increasing getting less and less sleep, going against their own biological clock to wake up and preform for school. “It’s probably not the healthiest way to live, but it’s the only way to get everything done.” explains a young lady by the name of Nicole Bankowski in the article “Fatigue a way of life for many high schoolers” written by Bonnie Miller Rubin, This just goes to show how some students are so swamped with work, in order to get all of it completed, they must sacrifice their own sleep. Also according to studies that were preformed for “Fatigue a way of life..” “students are encouraged to receive 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep every night..” in order to promote healthy growth and full usage of the brain to retain knowledge of things learned”.. But only about 15 percent of U.S. high schools have an opening bell that rings at 8:30 a.m. or later, according to federal data.”.


Unlike how I am very well aware of the effects of how even the earlier lunch times for students cause students to be famished upon getting home, and in turn do not eat dinner because of not being hungry when it comes time to eat,”The Young And The Sleepless” article from Jackie Anyanwu states that “For many young people, a social life ranks high on a scale of important aspects of one’s college experience. In the years leading up to college, teens are force-fed the idea that college will be the high point of your life.” is one of the largest problems for students. I feel like the views in difference is important because one view is from a former student from past years and the other is from a current student who experiences these problems first hand.

Personally I find it hard to get enough sleep throughout the week when trying to balance my social life and my school. In turn the biggest problem is not immediate, it takes a few days to truly start to feel the full effects of sleep deprivation; fatigue, hunger, lack of focus, and irritability. I try to at least get a decent amount of sleep but when it come to completing my assignments I hold that higher than my sleep in order to be granted a decent G.P.A for colleges to view, I often time times need to take time out of some of my extra curricular activities in order to keep functioning throughout the day.

Fatigue a way of life for many high schoolers


The Young And The Sleepless: Why College Students Don’t Get Enough Rest


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